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“Ummm.” The second cramp came a few moments later, then a rapid succession of cramp after cramp.I reach down and guide it home.Steve's words yesterday, mentioning if I ever thought what my life would be like if I wasn't open about being bi, had affected me. I had this strange dream of saying goodbye to Marissa on the airport, too scared to do more than give her a friendly hug while feeling so ashamed for cheating on Steve.I got Robin’s step ladder and climbed up to get a closer look.They were still gentle, but now they were firmer with me, no longer treating me like their precious princess, but like a daughter with an insolent streak.One of the guys went and got a load of beers and the group sat in the sand to continue talking.It just occurred what I had said thinking on my feet "That G-String is a tease, it is wrong to tease people"It wasn’t fair, nor was it intentional, but I missed her so much.“Truly, your achievement dwarfs all that came before it,” I said with a wheezy