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When the V.P. of Finance, Robert (Rob), has a project he requests that my Director assign me to the project.I need it!”“But how could you trust any agent with this power?” Sam asked.The one i could see was easily twenty inches long and as thick as my thigh.She’s using her time in the pen to deal and form alliances, working out which of us is the best to ensure her chance of survival and not wanting to make friends with a girl who will be a potential burden.This has changed everything in our world!”“Wow,” Jonathan said, “You two have been busy.Only a few had ever tried to resist to the point where he had to put it on the clit and nobody had disobeyed after that either.She felt the fat knot still filling her cunt and the empty feeling in her mouth, cum still dripping and cooling on her face.They were silent for several minutes.Calvin remained silent and motionless, dreading to open his“I’m quite happy with your big cock.”“Are you fucking serious?” Phil asked inc