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"I'm not sure if it's our age difference or the way you were raised.Nursing Poppy was easy and quick.This story was written to see if there are genres that I can write that I have no experience in, and make it real enough for people to enjoy.A HUGE smile comes across her face as she replies, “Yes, SIR!” She immediately reaches for my cock, bringing it to her mouth, her fingers squeezing at the base of my shaft and pulling the mix of cum and juices from the shaft to her lips, licking a circle around my head before taking it into her mouth.Her blouse was very long, though, and it covered her private area almost completely.The sensation as she felt naked skin touching the tip of her index finger felt amazing.A deep pleasure ached within me, throbbing and pulsing, building and ballooning.A week later we are nearing the end of our holiday.Jake shouted ‘go’ and I squatted down and impaled myself on the bottle, lifted myself up, and waddled to the finishing line.“You’ve got quite